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Who we work with

As well as carrying out commercial work, the AMRICC Centre is also a Centre of Excellence for advanced ceramics. We believe strongly in research and development, and as such aim to collaborate alongside industry and academia in large-scale projects.

These collaborations will translate into:

  • Product and process development in sintering - to develop the fundamental understanding of ceramic sintering approaches and the resulting properties to enable manufacturers to meet customers’ needs for multi-material systems and operation in demanding environments
  • Digital manufacturing - understanding the potential of digital manufacturing methods, such as Additive Manufacturing, in ceramic manufacture
  • Computer modelling of processes and properties, focused on ceramics - to accelerate product development cycles and extend the range of materials and processing conditions beyond those studied experimentally
  • Focus on technologies such as Flash, Cold, Microwave, and Spark Plasma sintering - the research will accelerate development cycles and widen the breadth of applications, while the collaborative platform will lead to technical breakthroughs

All of these outcomes are delivered through sector-wide collaboration and shared research. We participate in larger funded programmes, and membership money goes towards funding R&D activities led by members themselves.

AMRICC is now a member of Ceramics UK

We're fully supportive of their vision to promote and represent a modern and sustainable UK ceramics sector, and look forward to contributing through our facilities and expertise.

Learn more about Ceramics UK here: www.ceramics-uk.org

» Our Ceramics UK Membership Certificate